Epistemic Capacities and the Good
01-02 April 2022 (Fri/Sat), 13:20-18:30 PM (CEST/UTC+2) via Zoom.
Speakers: Anne Meylan, Kurt Sylvan, Heather Battaly, Chris Kelp, Maria Lasonen-Aarnio, and Mike Deigan
This online workshop investigates the role of capacities in epistemology and their interaction with different sorts of norms. The workshop encourages exchange between scholars that focus upon either side of that interaction. It features work from virtue epistemologists that have been at the forefront of such developments. And it also features new approaches to the topic, like whether there are connections between abilities and epistemic norms or between capacities and internalism about justification.
The workshop will take place on Zoom. To register, please email human-abilities@hu-berlin.de with the subject [Registration - Epistemic Capacities and the Good].
The workshop is organized by the research project Capacities and the Good, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). For more information and contact details, please go to https://www.capacities-and-the-good.de/. Further questions and inquiries can be directed to christian.kietzmann@fau.de.
You can download the (preliminary) program here (.pdf).